
What are we doing for parrot welfare?

At the Psittacine Welfare Institute, we are constantly seeking opportunities to improve parrot welfare. This means keeping wild parrots healthy and safe, promoting more responsible ownership practices, and appropriating resources where birds need them most.

Showcase 1

Enrichment Outreach

Each year around World Parrot Day (May 31st), we collaborate with partner facilities to help build thousands of dollars worth of enrichment from raw materials for local parrot rescue organizations.

Showcase 2

Husbandry Guides

By connecting with the industry’s leading minds on nutrition, training, and husbandry; our cutting edge care sheets have been sourced and peer-reviewed by experts in the field and remained unmatched in their detail.

Habitat Awards

Habitat Awards

To promote greater habitat standards and celebrate exceptional husbandry, we review submissions of psittacine habitats to find a companion and collection winner. The winning habitats in each category earn their contestant or facility an official certificate and a cash prize.

Diet Calculator

Diet Calculator

To simplify the extensive Diet & Nutrition Guide that we curated, we created the PWI Online Diet Calculator to make measuring your specific bird’s diet simply and efficient!

Article Library

Article Library

Peer-reviewed research is nice, but sometimes you want to educate yourself without all of the data involved. We created a growing library of articles to help hone your skills and wits as an avian professional.

Welfare Research

Welfare Research

While sharing information is one of our primary duties, there are substantial gaps in our knowledge for psittacine species. To remedy this situation, we have invested a large amount of time and energy pursuing important questions in applied scientific research.